Happy Flag Day

Dear Ted and Jody:

I got pictures both yesterday around sundown and this morning at dawn. This morning, I then came home and went back to bed as I had only four hours of sleep last night. I did have some difficulty getting back to sleep as I, for the life of me, could not think of what to write today. But I did get to sleep for a couple of hours. After awaking and doing my morning routine, I switched on the television and lo and begorrah Justice Thomas has written a majority opinion that bump stocks were still legal. It would appear that the majority on the Supreme Court is more steadfast in its strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment than it is in its interpretation of the 1st Amendment. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/06/14/bump-stocks-now-legal-again-as-supreme-court-strikes-down-gun-device-ban/

I initially thought of writing “ It would appear that the majority on the Supreme Court is more religious in its strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment than it is in its interpretation of the 1st Amendment.” While the use of religion in that context would both be appropriate and an almost joke, it would also be potentially misleading. For the majority seems bent on making sure, as Lawrence O’Donnell (MSNBC, The Last Word, at 10 PM Eastern Time Week nights) says, “Making sure mass murderers are able to buy the most efficient means to commit mass murder.” And, the majority on the Supreme Court seem bent on insuring that gun manufacturers can still sell more guns and gun enhancements even though there are already more guns than people in the US.

It is also interesting that when it comes to guns, the majority on the Supreme Court seems willing to expand the definition of what the founders meant in the 1791 Amendment by “arms.” If one understands what was meant by arms in England in the period preceding our revolt, the free Englishman had the privilege of personal weapons: first bow and arrows, spears and then muzzle loaded long guns. This was the tradition the founding fathers built upon. Arms would not have included cannons or rockets. Yet, the majority on the Supreme Court has seemed to include most advancements in weaponry save actual machine guns. However, given the ability of Justice Thomas to delve into mechanics and other things which he is far from well trained, one might expect that ban to be the next to fall.

So, thanks to the Justices who seem to be bent, I found something to write about this morning.

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Love, Ed

About democratizemoney

Retired University Professor
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7 Responses to Happy Flag Day

  1. Fraggle says:

    No doubt the next mass shooting wil be accessorised with the bump stocks. 🤷‍♀️ Nice pics, good detail on the moon!


  2. I am afraid you are right. Thank you. Warmest regards, Ed


  3. Ed, at least you found a topic to write about today. I would have more problems than you if I had to pick a different one every day.

    It took me some time to work out what “bump stops” were, as I am not sure such things even exist in my part of the world. Big kids with guns!!

    I think that it is about time Congress and the Supreme Court found an agreeable definition of the word “arms” as expressed in the US Constitution. Now, that would be an interesting discussion, but it is essential if the problems you mention are to be resolved once and for all. Not bloody likely!

    Regards, Phil ________________________________

    Liked by 1 person

    • Phil:

      Sorry, “bump stocks.”

      I must confess, after decades of teaching political science and American Politics and Government, I fear I completely misunderstood what the whole thing was about now that the absurdity of the current situation is becoming clear to me. The world has gone nuts.

      Warmest regards, Ed


  4. beetleypete says:

    It surelay can’t be too long before God-fearing Americans are allowed to open-carry an M-60, and have another one mounted on the roof of their pickup truck.

    Best wishes, Pete.


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