Calendar Clog

Dear Ted and Jody:

On Tuesday afternoon, Nancy had a couple of packages to mail, so I took them to the Toutle Post Office. Unfortunate, I got there after 4 PM when it closes. Toutle being a branch of the Castle Rock Post office has shorter hours than a “regular post office.:” 10 – 4. Even worse, The Silverlake Post Office is only a bench in the Toutle Post Office sorting room. Well being of sound mind, I decided to leave the packages in the back seat of the Santa Fe and take them in the next morning after 10 AM (when they theoretically were open). So, yesterday after watching Whoopi Goldberg announce that ”Today’s show is a celebration of Juneteenth;” and, it being after 10 AM I got in the Santa Fe and took Nancy’s packages to the Toutle Post office. Here is where the part about my being of sound mind falls apart. I do know that Juneteenth is a federal holiday. Whoopi Goldberg told me it was yesterday. However, it still came as a surprise when I got to the Toutle Post Office to find it closed. Fortunately, I did not follow my first instinct which was to drive into Castle Rock and use the post office there. Now, if I only can remember to take those packages to the post office today.

A federal holiday yesterday, and the rest of the week is equally busy. We have the summer Solstice Today at 1:50 PM Pacific Time, and a full moon tomorrow at 6:39 AM. And, remember, Fathers Day was just three days ago. One would think the authorities would spread these things out more. Don’t you just hate calendar clog?

Trump’s new tax plan (OK, he only suggested it) is to replace the income tax with tariffs. I heard one estimate (Former Labor Secretary Reich on Nicole Wallace’s Deadline White House on MSNBC yesterday) of what the tariff would have to be to replace the roughly 2.6 trillion in income taxes and the 2.2 trillion in payroll taxes the federal government is expected to bring in this fiscal year: 130% to 140%. That would be inflationary. It kind of reminds me of the former president’s question about ingesting bleach to kill COVID—a suggestion based upon ignorance.

I do have a suggestion for any clear thinking school board in Louisiana. Hang the the Ten Commandments in Hebrew.

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Love, Ed

About democratizemoney

Retired University Professor
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4 Responses to Calendar Clog

  1. beetleypete says:

    Also over here, Post Offices have variable and different hours. Our tiny local one in Gressenhall is closed more than it is open, so it’s usually a safe bet just to drive into Dereham and go to the main area office.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fraggle says:

    That’s an all round lovely series!

    Liked by 1 person

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