Never Forget

Dear Ted and Jody:

I saw a statistic the other day that asserted that 20 years ago about 50% of the world’s population lived under authoritarian regimes and today 71% of the world’s population live under authoritarian regimes.

80 years ago today, the Allies in WWII assaulted the beaches in Normandy which began the liberation of the European Continent of the authoritarian control by the Nazis. The operation was named Overlord and in the entire Overlord operation on June 6th about 37,000 allied military causalities occurred. D-Day was just the start of about a year long military effort to clear the Nazis out of Europe.

For statistics on Overlord see

For an excellent short treatment of why we need to remember D-Day see my friend Pete’s post yesterday.

My 2 cents worth are that if the authoritarians take over here, just who will clear them out? Who will assault our beaches to free us? Stop them before they take control. Never forget why D-Day was necessary.


PS: Last evening and this morning:

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About democratizemoney

Retired University Professor
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4 Responses to Never Forget

  1. beetleypete says:

    Thanks for the mention, Ed. It feels so sad that 80 years later we are facing another Far-Right threat in the very same countries that saved Europe from one.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ed, Thanks for the photos you have included in recent posts even if they are not always the latest. All are well received.

    Due to the date, 6th of the 6th (D Day) it is reminder for all of use to remember such important dates in history. Unfortunately, most of us are not very good at learning from history and the same old mistakes keep on being made. We, as individuals, as well as whole countries, keep going down the same path and are stupid enough to think the end result will somehow be different. My acceptance of stupidity is lessening as I get older, and I am not sure if it is “wisdom”, or plain stupidity on my part.

    Us humans seem to think that we know better, but obviously nature knows far more than we do, as it has proven for billions of years before us humans even existed. Maybe in its wisdom nature will have the last laugh and let us humans eventually self destruct and nature can then continue on its way without us (human beings) creating unnecessary havoc.

    Greed, selfishness and lack of respect all add up to where much of the human race finds itself in many places around the world. History repeating itself once again? Somewhat sad, don’t you think?

    In the meantime, all the best.

    Regards, Phil ________________________________

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Phil:

    It is difficult to see the stupidity in our own lives. But given its prevalence (dominance) in our species it must be there and it must be noticed and corrected.

    You have descried the problem very well. It is indeed very sad.

    Hang in there my friend. Warmest regards, Ed


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