
Dear Ted and Jody;

It was already sprinkling when I put down corn at 4:30 this morning. I anticipated the rain and put fertilizer in some of the pots and raised beds yesterday afternoon. Since my insulin and Repatha both come packed with frozen “enviro ice” which contain a gelatin nitrogen based fertilizer, that is the fertilizer I used.

We had not seen Long Ears for a couple of days, and this morning she showed up on the back porch—taking refuge from the rain.

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As soon as Nancy saw her, Nancy tossed her some kale (probably the real reason Long Ears was on the back porch).

The sun showed its face briefly so I went out and shot 36 frames. That got me to thinking. 36 frames is the number of shots per film canister that I used to use back in the 60s through early 90s. Were I using film today it would have cost between $15 and $30 for just the film to shoot those 36 frames today. Last month alone, were I using film, just the cost of the film for what I shot would have been at least $5,833.00. Given that May is a typical month for my capturing images, it is safe to say, I would have gone broke around the year 1998 were I using film instead of digital sensors in my cameras.

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The House of Representatives has voted that Attorney General Garland is in contempt of Congress for refusing the subpoena of the House Judiciary Committee for tapes of Biden before the Special Council. Note, the chair of the Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, refused a January 6th Committee subpoena to appear before it. I guess Jim Jordan figures since Garland did not take him to court over his refusal to appear before the Jan 6th Committee, he is probably safe from any retribution for getting the House to find Garland in Contempt of Congress. What Jordan doesn’t seem to understand is contempt for Jim Jordan is not the same as contempt for Congress. Were Garland not an honorable man, he would appoint a Special Council to look into Jim Jordan’s life. However, that is how civil wars can start (if one hasn’t already).

Love, Ed

About democratizemoney

Retired University Professor
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5 Responses to Saturday

  1. Fraggle says:

    Is Long Ears Ok? She looks swollen & lumpy at the front.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. beetleypete says:

    Good to see long ears, I hope she enjoyed the Kale.

    Best wishes, Pete.


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