Comparing Moon Shots

Dear Ted and Jody:

I have a half-a-dozen camera around here; but, I have somehow gravitated to using the Galaxy S24 Ultra Samsung and the Nikon P900 for my outings. Last evening, since the cloud cover was going to be less productive than usual, I also took the Sony 50X along for the ride as it is a bit lighter than the Nikon P900. When I got to the section of WA504 I use for a vantage point for evening shots, it was clear I would be able to shoot the moon. So, I shot it with both the Nikon and the Sony. I labeled the Sony shot, Sony. The other, unlabeled, shot was with the Nikon.

st DSCN5496 8 43 PM May 20 2024
sct DSC00309 Soney 8 54 PM May 2024

The next time I do this I will do a better job of shooting the moon at close to the same time with both cameras and filling the same amount of viewfinder. I quite frankly did not expect the Sony to do as good of a job as it did.

Here are more shots I took with the Sony.

s DSC00220
s DSC00273 o
s DSC00281
s DSC00283 o
s DSC00285 o
s DSC00291 o
sc DSC00289 o

The next two images were with the S24. In the case of the last image, I ran into a dandelion last evening and was inspired to soot it by a shot FR took and published in her The Maybe Project: Thanks FR.

sc 20240520_202254
i 20240520_132236

Last evening Rachel Maddow gave one of her better dialogues about history. It was based on her research for her book Prequel about Nazis in the US in the 30s and 40s. It was a great preamble to what is going on today with attempts to discredit the courts, prosecutors, and the rule of law. If you can find a transcript of her show from Monday May 20, it is worth the read. Otherwise, MSNBC generally reruns her Monday show on Sunday evenings, it is definitely worth watching the first 20 minutes or so.

Now that both the prosecution and defense in the Trump NY trial have rested I have been wondering, 1) what if the jury had the same information that those of us watching on television have had such as comments by lawyers about the testimony, judge’s rulings, and the material on the record when they were not in the courtroom (such as the judge clearing them out yesterday when he reamed the defense witness) or could not hear the sidebars. 2) Given the oath to ‘tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,’ yet the witnesses are not encouraged to fill in a background or context for a yes or no answer to a question, and that extra information is often stricken from the record, how is it the whole truth? In life I find things are often more complicated then they first appear. And, 3) how much more we would be informed if the proceedings had been televised.

Yesterday, I shared my comments about the importance of this election with someone who is a 3rd Party voter. I got an email message back saying “thank for you for explaining this to me. I will be voting for Biden this fall.” So, one down and several million to go. If you know someone who is normally a 3rd party voter or who is likely not to vote, you can tell them the truth and perhaps they will change their minds and vote for Biden as well.

Love, Ed

About democratizemoney

Retired University Professor
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4 Responses to Comparing Moon Shots

  1. Fraggle says:

    The moons look very similar in the reader here, but click through to the flickr where they are bigger, the quality difference is obvious, the Nikon shot is much sharper and defined than the Sony.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. beetleypete says:

    I have to agree with FR, the Nikon really got the fine detail on The Moon.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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